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Marketing Your Illinois Business

Establishments Eligible for Video Gaming in Illinois

July 20, 2022

Are you looking to add video gaming to your Illinois establishment, but aren’t sure if you’re eligible? Accel is breaking down which establishments are eligible in the state of Illinois.

Eligible Establishments

According to the Video Gaming Act, these are the licensed establishments that are allowed to legally have gaming.

Licensed Retail Establishment: Gaming parlors, bars and restaurants that serve alcohol to patrons for on-site consumption at their location. Other establishments capable of obtaining a liquor license in this category are gas stations and smaller eateries.

Licensed Fraternal Establishment: Nationwide civic organizations.

Licensed Veterans Establishment: Veterans of Foreign War Halls and American Legion posts.

Licensed Truck Stop Establishment: Truck stops must sit on three acres or more of land, include a convenience store, and have separate diesel fueling islands for 18-wheelers and other commercial vehicles. Truck stops must have parking spaces for commercial motor vehicles. In addition, trucks stops must also sell more than 10,000 gallons of diesel or biodiesel fuel per month at retail costs.

Licensed Large Truck Stop Establishment: A large truck stop must meet the same requirements as a normal truck stop, be located within three road miles of a freeway interchange, and sell on average at least 50,000 gallons of diesel or biodiesel fuel per month. By meeting these requirements, a large truck stop is allowed 10 video gaming terminals (VGTs) instead of six like a normal truck stop.

Additional Factors to Consider


Your establishment must be in an area where video gaming is allowed. To see if your municipality prohibits gaming, visit https://www.igb.illinois.gov/VideoProhibit.aspx. On-premises/pouring licenses and video gaming licenses must also be available in that municipality. There are also certain municipalities that charge a permit fee either for each VGT (slot machine) or a general fee for your establishment. Each municipality has fees that vary from others.

Liquor Licenses

In order to be eligible for gaming, your establishment must first obtain a local liquor license (unless it is a truck stop) and after that step it would need to obtain an Illinois Retail liquor license. For more information on obtaining these liquor licenses, refer to Accel’s previous blog about the different types of Illinois Liquor Licenses!

Video Gaming License

In order to be eligible for gaming, your establishment must also apply to the Illinois Gaming Board (IGB) for a video gaming license. Throughout this process you’ll also go through a background check. If your application is approved and background check is clean, the IGB will notify you that you have been approved and issue you a video gaming license. They will also provide you with instructions on how to pay the $100 annual fee to maintain your video gaming license.

If you’re an establishment eligible for gaming in Illinois or are seeking to be, Accel Entertainment can not only become your terminal operator, but also assist you in the entire licensing process. Download our guide on becoming a licensed establishment in Illinois here!

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