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Gems From Our Archive March 2019 Edition: Spring Cleaning!

March 15, 2019

It may seem like a no brainer, but it’s something we bring up a LOT in our blog posts: if you keep your gaming area clean, your players are more likely to stay longer and come back. It’s really as simple as that. We talk about it in our Accel Expert Forum: Success Stories from the Field, we bring up how important it is in our blog about getting your players to stay five more minutes, and improper cleaning is one of the mistakes we highlight in Are You Making These Four Mistakes in Your Licensed Video Gaming Business?

The three blogs highlighted below will give you good insight into how to keep your video gaming area clean. If you are an Accel customer and you would like more guidance, or if you have a question, reach out to your Relationship Manager. They most likely have dry cleaning cloths and the proper cleaning solution for VGT screens in their car right now!

How to Keep Your Video Gaming Terminals and Gaming Area Clean

For spring cleaning, this article is as helpful as it gets – thanks to a recent update!  As with most things, best practices tend to change.  We previously suggested using a damp cloth to clean machines; however, we’ve changed our guidance, because if water is left on the machines it can get near the openings of the cabinet (top or bottom) and can short circuit the electronics. Instead, we recommend using a foaming cleaner, so there is no dripping, and dry towels once the foaming cleaner is applied.

For gaming chairs, the same foaming cleaner is fine, or we actually use and recommend Armor All wipes (or leather/vinyl wipes), which help to keep the material conditioned so it lasts longer.

Four Things You Can Do with a Cashout Voucher

Cleaning can apply to clutter or trash as well as making sure your gaming terminals are sparkling. If your slots are busy, chances are your gamers will be generating quite a lot of cashout vouchers.  Without a proper way to dispose of them, these can end up on your floors, in your bathrooms, or scattered on tables or your bar. This blog offers some guidance for how you can cleverly make use of your cashout vouchers.

Preventative Maintenance: What Every Video Gaming Location Needs to Know 

Finally, our Preventative Maintenance blog provides a helpful peek into what the Accel team does to avoid issues with our machines. Our Preventative Maintenance program was developed when one of our service team members discovered that many common machine issues were easily preventable. In our system, trained members of our staff visit customer locations every 30 to 45 days to perform comprehensive checks of equipment, perform routine maintenance and thoroughly clean the VGTs. These appointments typically take less than an hour, and we’re generally able to schedule them outside of peak playing hours. 

Next time you’re in your gaming location, take some time to visit your gaming area and consider its cleanliness. Using our resources above, look for opportunities to improve your space and your customers’ experience. How do you routinely handle cleanliness in your business? Leave your suggestions in the comments below!

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