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Illinois Gaming Market

Illinois Truck Stop Gaming Regulations

October 29, 2019

There are four main types of establishments that can operate video gaming terminals according to Illinois law: Liquor pouring establishments, fraternal organizations, veteran’s organizations and truck stops. While the others may be more self-explanatory, the truck stop one may be a little more confusing. We will break down what exactly the requirements are in Illinois to be considered a truck stop.


There are five main requirements that a truck stop must meet to be eligible for a video gaming license in Illinois.

  1. Must be situated on at least three acres of land
  2. Must have separate diesel islands for fueling commercial motor vehicles
  3. Must have average sales of over 10,000 gallons of diesel or biodiesel per month
  4. Must have parking spaces for commercial motor vehicles
  5. Must contain a convenience store

If you own a truck stop or gas station that meets these requirements, then you are eligible for video gaming under Illinois law! If you don’t have VGTs already, contact Accel today.

Large Truck Stop

The above requirements are simply to qualify as a truck stop for Illinois VGTs. However, earlier this year the Illinois legislature passed a new law creating a new type of video gaming classification called a “Large Truck Stops.” Under the new law, Large Truck Stops will be allowed to operate up to 10 VGTs rather than the maximum of six currently allowed under Illinois law. However, Large Truck Stops must meet the above requirements for a regular truck stop as well as two additional criteria. The extra criteria are the following:

  1. Must be located within three road miles of a freeway interchange
  2. Must sell on average at least 50,000 gallons of diesel or biodiesel fuel per month

If you are a truck stop or gas station that fits the criteria for a Large Truck Stop, contact Accel today to find out how you can begin taking advantage of the new rules.

Why Should Your Truck Stop Add Video Gaming?

If you’re a truck stop owner in Illinois, there are many reasons you should add video gaming to your business. The average Accel Entertainment location makes an average of $78,000 per year* in video gaming revenue - truck stops (and large truck stops!) tend to make much more!

And many of our truck stops outperform other locations. Why? Hours of operation. Restaurants and bars are only allowed to have their VGTs in operation during their liquor license pouring hours. But truck stops and gas stations can be open 24 hours a day, which means their VGTs can be on 24 hours a day as well. That’s more hours machines can make money for your location.

Here at Accel Entertainment, we consider ourselves experts in truck stop video gaming. As the largest video gaming terminal operator in Illinois, we boast more truck stop locations than anyone else, and therefore have more experience and expertise to help address your needs.

Are you a truck stop owner looking to add video gaming to your location? Let us know in the comments below or give us a call at 866-525-8504!



*Based on IGB Data

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