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Illinois Gaming Market

Renewing Your Illinois Liquor License

November 22, 2017

For any bar or restaurant, an Illinois state liquor license is something to protect and keep up-to-date.  You may be familiar with Mytax.illinois.gov for renewing your liquor license, but this blog will serve as a primer if you are unsure of the steps you need to take.

In the binder Accel Entertainment has provided you, you likely have stored your original Illinois video gaming location license and Illinois state liquor license, which you can review to determine the expiration dates.  Your Accel Entertainment representative will also prompt you to remember deadlines for both renewals. State liquor license renewals can take one to five business days (although they’re usually reissued within 48 hours), so be sure to build in some lead time for yourself so you never risk an expired license.

There are two phone numbers you should keep handy for calling with any questions about renewing your liquor license with the Illinois Liquor Control Commission (ILCC). Their hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Central Standard Time.

Chicago: (312) 814-2206
Springfield: (217) 782-2136

Before you can receive or renew your state liquor license, you must have your local liquor license, Sales Tax number /Illinois Business Tax (IBT) number, and Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN). The cost for renewing your state liquor license, as of this publish date, is $750.

To renew your state liquor license, go online to Mytax.Illinois.gov. On that website, you will be able to do the following:

  • See your own account information
  • Renew your liquor license
  • Make your payment online
  • Check the status of your state liquor license renewal
  • Print your state liquor license
  • View copies of any correspondence the ILCC mailed you regarding your state liquor license.

Depending on the municipality your location is in, there will likely be separate rules you need to follow to renew your local liquor license, such as appearing before the city council with your request. You can readily discover these protocols by calling your village or city hall.

And remember, you will be hearing from your Accel Entertainment rep with a friendly reminder in plenty of time to renew your state liquor license before your deadline.

Want to learn more about getting your liquor license in Illinois? Check out our guide here.

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