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Marketing Your Illinois Business

The Benefits of Offering Delivery at Your Bar or Restaurant

June 26, 2024

In today’s day and age, more and more establishments are offering delivery options. If you’re an owner of a bar or restaurant that doesn’t offer delivery, you may want to seriously consider doing so. Here are some of the benefits of offering delivery at your bar or restaurant:

It Gives Your Brand Exposure

It is a huge benefit to have a new opportunity to get your brand in front of customers. It’s important to think about this in every element possible. The packaging you choose for your delivery and any menus or coupons attached with it put your brand outside your restaurant or bar and into people’s homes. That customer who ordered from you may hold onto that menu or coupons for a long time and be reminded to order from you again. This also means someone visiting their home may one day see your brand too and want to order from you as well, maybe even for the first time.

Whether it’s through a third-party service like Door Dash or UberEATS, or your own website, having your brand offer delivery creates so many opportunities for new customers to find your establishment. Your business becomes instantly more discoverable because it will fall into the same category as other restaurants patrons are already searching for and they may decide to give you a try based on reviews they see, pictures of menu items, or your unique menu offerings. If you are on multiple third-party services, you open yourself up to even more customers based on their preferred service.

Regardless of how customers are finding you in their searches, chances are they will see reviews. If these reviews are positive, customers are even more likely to order from your establishment. Not to mention, since they are able to filter their searches by the best ratings, your establishment may stand out to them from your competitors.

It Creates New Marketing Opportunities

Don’t forget that your menu is a marketing tool! Customers visiting your website through online ordering can also see the promotions and deals your establishment is currently offering, giving them more reasons to order. When customers order online, you are also able to get important information like their email address, which is helpful for sending future emails and marketing to them.

When it comes to potentially adding something new to your menu, you can use online ordering to market them. This is helpful in gauging customer interest and determining whether it should be offered in person at your establishment as well, or even if it should be promoted on social media and through emails.

It’s Convenient for Your Customers

Making it easy for your customers to get your food is a huge win. Delivery gives customers the option to enjoy their favorite meals from your establishment without having to leave their house. Whether it’s a returning customer or a new customer, sometimes they won’t be able to leave their house, but still want your business’s food. Factors like weather conditions or illness can decide whether they may go, but if you offer delivery you don’t have to worry about missing out on a sale. Delivery is also convenient for customers because if it is done online, they can place their order quicker and receive their food faster by not having to wait in line in person or wait for someone to answer the phone.

What we went over today were just a few of the benefits associated with offering delivery at your business. In the end, it is up to you to do future research and determine if delivery is right for business, but we hope you found today’s blog a useful starting point. Do you see delivery as an investment that will help increase revenue at your bar or restaurant? Let us know in the comments section.