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Useful Illinois Restaurant Resources for Reopening

July 17, 2020

Now that many Illinois restaurants are beginning to reopen after the COVID-19 closures, Accel Entertainment wants to keep you up to date with all the latest industry resources to help smooth your way. If you are already an Accel Entertainment partner location, do not hesitate to reach out to your Relationship Manager for more help with reopening efforts.

Illinois Restaurant Association Reopening Services & Supply Resources

Find a conveniently compiled list of Illinois Restaurant Association members who are dedicated to supplying establishment owners with the services and supplies necessary for a successful reopening. Find information on useful software, cleaning supplies, disposable menus, financial guidance, and so much more. The list is continuously updated, so be sure to check back often for new resources.

Illinois Restaurant Association COVID-19 Outdoor Dining Resource Guide

Check out this site from the Illinois Restaurant Association. Here you can find contact information for helpful individuals, plus information about pro bono design and technical assistance from City Open Workshop. Revitalize your outdoor dining space with help from the Illinois Restaurant Association.

Reopening Guidance for the Restaurant Industry Webinar

This one-hour webinar was hosted by the ServSafe team of the National Restaurant Association. Designed as an information session for those in the food service industry, the webinar is an open dialogue on the best practices for reopening your restaurant. Also included is guidance on how to help mitigate COVID-19 exposure through food safety, cleaning and sanitizing, employee health monitoring and hygiene, and social distancing in your establishment. Register to access the Reopening Guidance for the Restaurant Industry Webinar.

National Restaurant Reopening Guidance from the National Restaurant Association

If you are looking for more resources and guidance from the experts at the National Restaurant Association, check out this overview to everything reopening. This guide covers everything from social distancing to sanitation methods and was created with information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration.

National Restaurant Association Business Resources

Finally, check out this comprehensive webpage put together by the National Restaurant Association. This collection has over 30 separate resources ranging from guidance on paid sick leave and payroll support to how to convert to curbside delivery. For restaurant owners who are at a complete loss when it comes to reopening efforts, this guide is the best place to start.

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