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Illinois Gaming Market

Why Accel Entertainment is Your One Stop Shop for a Video Gaming Business

November 6, 2019

We know there are tons of options when looking for a Terminal Operator in Illinois – in fact there are so many options it can be overwhelming! It can be hard to distinguish what sets a Terminal Operator apart from their competitors. We’re here to make things easier for you! What sets Accel Entertainment apart from our competitors is that we’re more than just a video gaming provider – we’re a one stop shop for all your video gaming business needs.

Accel Can Help Advance Your Marketing Efforts

Accel’s Marketing Team is dedicated to providing value and service that exceeds the expectations of our partners. With over 20 members in our marketing department – and over 75 years of collective experience – we have the expertise to help grow your business. Our goal is to increase customer loyalty and strengthen brand awareness for our partners by providing high-impact, aggressive marketing strategies that work!

In addition to our co-op marketing programs, our expert team will walk you through the steps to create the optimal social media presence for your unique video gaming location, including assistance with revamping your Facebook page to interact with your customers or activating an Instagram account to ensure no one misses the great things happening in your location.

Throughout the year, Accel runs various promotions aimed at increasing foot traffic and player loyalty. When partnering with Accel, your location will have the opportunity to participate in all our fantastic promotions – with exciting themes and terrific prizes. We handle generating the themes and covering all the set-up; you just sit back and enjoy all the new traffic to your location.

Accel Can Help Redesign Your Gaming Area

Properly setting up your gaming room is essential to success. Promoting comfort and privacy while seamlessly blending gaming into your business sets you up for success. Our in-house design experts are skilled at optimizing your gaming area for maximum profits.

From our extensive experience designing other gaming rooms, we have learned what layouts are conducive to a successful gaming environment, focusing on maximizing the space available and creating a design unique to you.

Accel Has Dedicated Relationship Managers

Relationship Managers are industry professionals assigned to each of our partner businesses as their primary point of contact. They work hand-in-hand with our establishment owners to truly optimize gaming revenue – along with optimizing other parts of each location’s business!

Relationship Managers also work closely with Accel Entertainment’s Data Team to monitor and track industry trends – and inform our partners on how new trends may affect their business. When it comes to municipal regulations, there is no greater source of knowledge than an Accel Relationship Manager (except maybe our in-house compliance team!). Our Relationship Managers help ensure that all your licenses and filings are current and compliant with both State and local regulations.

You’re Not Just a Number, You’re a Partner

At Accel Entertainment, our locations are our partners. Accel Entertainment is dedicated to making your experiences in the Illinois video gaming industry worthwhile. Interested in making the switch to Accel? Reach out to us at hello@accelentertainment.com.

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