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Please note that you will need to obtain cost and artwork pre-approval for EACH AD the location wishes to run, even if the artwork and cost are the same as a previous ad.
Additionally, please be aware that the "Preview" may show only one artwork option. To view all available themes and sizes, please click "Download."
(1) Promotional Concept Handout with (2) Digital and (2) Print Posters, (2) Social Graphics, and (1) Disclaimer
8.5x11 11x8.5 11x17 17x11 1080x1080 1920x1080 1080x1920
(1) Promotional Concept Handout with (2) Digital and (2) Print Posters, (2) Social Graphics, and (1) Disclaimer
8.5x11 11x8.5 11x17 17x11 1080x1080 1920x1080 1080x1920
(1) Promotional Concept Handout with (2) Digital and (2) Print Posters, (2) Social Graphics, and (1) Disclaimer
8.5x11 11x8.5 11x17 17x11 1080x1080 1920x1080 1080x1920
(1) Promotional Concept Handout with (2) Digital and (2) Print Posters, (2) Social Graphics, and (1) Disclaimer
8.5x11 11x8.5 11x17 17x11 1080x1080 1920x1080 1080x1920
(36) Co-Op Mailers with Artwork Directions and Legal Advice
7.9167x3 3x7.9167 11x6 6x11 9x6 6x9 8.5x5.5 5.5x8.5
(36) Co-Op Mailers with Artwork Directions and Legal Advice
7.9167x3 3x7.9167 11x6 6x11 9x6 6x9 8.5x5.5 5.5x8.5
(66) Co-Op Newspaper Ads with Artwork Directions and Legal Advice
8.25x7 3x5 4.75x5.5 6x4 7x5 7x8.25 5x3 5.5x4.75 4x6 5x7
(66) Co-Op Newspaper Ads with Artwork Directions and Legal Advice
8.25x7 3x5 4.75x5.5 6x4 7x5 7x8.25 5x3 5.5x4.75 4x6 5x7
(63) Co-Op Newspaper Ads with Artwork Directions and Legal Advice
8.25x7 3x5 4.75x5.5 6x4 7x5 7x8.25 5x3 5.5x4.75 4x6 5x7
(63) Co-Op Newspaper Ads with Artwork Directions and Legal Advice
8.25x7 3x5 4.75x5.5 6x4 7x5 7x8.25 5x3 5.5x4.75 4x6 5x7
(1) Promotional Concept Handout with (2) Digital and (2) Print Posters, (2) Social Graphics, and (1) Disclaimer
8.5x11 11x8.5 11x17 17x11 1080x1080 1920x1080 1080x1920
(1) Promotional Concept Handout with (2) Digital and (2) Print Posters, (2) Social Graphics, and (1) Disclaimer
8.5x11 11x8.5 11x17 17x11 1080x1080 1920x1080 1080x1920